Once again, many weeks have passed since the last posting in this blog. It was a long, hot summer in Northern New Mexico and I must confess I fell into a long and restful period of reflection and contemplation. Like the Old Book says, there’s “a time for every purpose under heaven.”
The summer heat has now merged into crisp autumn days, and the work continues to progress well. The interior of the cabin has been fitted with cabinets, curtains, lights, plugs and monkey bars. Shelves and hardware have been crafted for the galley and are ready for installation, as is the new front end luggage compartment.

The tasks currently at hand are the refinishing and painting of all the exterior surfaces. The roof will get a coat of rubberized material to further insulate and secure it against all weathers. By early November, it’ll be time to take things out on the road again. As such, I look forward to the coming, winter’s adventure.

Something unexpected; the long and rigorous learning curve, which I’ve experienced in the building and perfecting of this coach has been a parallel journey to the colorful travels of the Gypsywagen.

October 14, 2019 @ 3:07 am
I realize that yov’ve been “A Traveling Gypsy” physically and mentally since we first met, some 66 years ago!!
Carry On My Dear Friend!!