Details II
There’s a learning curve in everything we do. A year ago, when I built the Gypsywagen, I considered different types of materials for the outside surfaces. The choices were between a few grades of plywood, fiberglass products and aluminum sheeting. At the time, I figured I would save on the budget by using a certain grade of plywood, which has since proven to be vulnerable to sun, snow and rain. The roof has taken the worst of it.

To remedy this dilemma, I’ve applied a range of materials to repair the surface. Putties, paints and a lot of elbow grease have brought the surface to a proper condition, which I expect will continue to stand up to the elements. Over the next week or two I’ll apply similar efforts to the four walls, giving the coach a whole new and far more reliable exterior finish. Worth mentioning, the next Gypsywagen I build will have an aluminum skin.

The weather in Northern New Mexico is turning cold now and the rehab work on the GW will be done soon. Then I’ll break camp here and head west to the warmer climes of southern Arizona, where broad, sunlit outlands await.