For the past two years my Gypsywagen has been a rolling shelter with which I’ve roamed far and wide, through vast deserts and lush forests, wandering high up into dramatic mountain ranges and down along the banks of great rivers, all the while camping in countless places (about 50), some for days, some for months. In many of these places I’ve encountered other travelers, wanderers, nomads of all sorts, each with fascinating stories from the lives they’ve experienced.

I have loved my little Gypsywagen, which I built with my own two hands in the autumn of 2018. In the 2+ years of this journey I’ve perfected certain aspects of it; building interior cabinets, finishing out the galley, creating a front storage compartment and applying a colorful exterior. I’ve built everything to last, assuming this would carry me to the end of my days.

But life is full of surprises and unexpected circumstance has recently brought a 17’ Casita Trailer into my possession. Having long admired these coaches, I feel a great enthusiasm for this one. So… now the original Gypsywagen will have a rest and for the time being it’ll be stored on a friend’s ranch in northern New Mexico. Henceforth, I’ll travel on in the Casita, which I’ll still refer to as “the gypsywagen”. It’s going to be interesting to see how this new conveyance affects the character of the journey. As an old friend of mine always says, “More will be revealed”.

February 24, 2021 @ 9:35 pm
Interesting….safe travels with your new trailer. Always thought your homemade one was adorable. Best wishes.!!
February 25, 2021 @ 12:00 am
Best of luck with your new abode. Enjoy, and keep sending stories of your adventures. Thanks and be well