Hannah & Sedona…
In December, when I finished the initial build of the Gypsywagen, I wanted to take it on a shakedown cruise to climates warmer than northern New Mexico. For more than 100 days now, I’ve been traveling and camping all over western and southern Arizona, staying in places along the Colorado River, the Gila and Verde Rivers, in the Catalina and Chiricahua Mountains, and along the Mogollon Rim. For the past week, I’ve been camped near Oak Creek Canyon and Sedona.

A few days ago, I had a rendezvous in Sedona with my daughter Hannah who’s currently on Spring Break from LA Film School. Though we keep in constant contact by phone, emails and texting, we hadn’t seen each other in over a year. So it was a very good day of catching up and just hangin’ together. Then she had to get back to her busy life in Los Angeles. Today, I’m getting ready to break camp and begin my way back to Taos, New Mexico, where old friends and unfinished business await. I must say, “the journey goes well”.

April 12, 2019 @ 1:35 am
Like the map. You both look very happy in the photo!